Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Abby Heugal? YOU are AWESOME!

YOU, Abby Heugal!
I read your post---and oh, baby! You hit the nail on the head.
You are absolutely RIGHT.
Unless you have suffered from deep depression....you have NO idea what it is like.
I could go on....and on....and on....
But, I am re-posting your post because what you said is what I say as well.
"As a humor writer, I try to write about everything.
It's basically all that I know how to do.
But the thing about writing humor is that it sometimes makes me feel like I'm hiding behind a mask and pretending I'm something I'm not.

Now, don't get me wrong; I'm a person who loves to laugh -- and who loves to make other people laugh even more -- but most of the time, that's not me, or at least that's not how I feel.
But it's hard to ignore what goes on in my head and even harder to write about depression. For one, there's the fear that writing about it makes you look weak and turns people off because it's not funny or light. Most people have their own problems, so why would they read about mine?

The other trouble is that it is often incredibly difficult to articulate just how I feel.

Deep depression is hard to understand, especially if you've never been there. It has manageable days that for me usually include writing something I don't hate or spending time outside. In other words, I function and appear to be fine.

But then there are days -- sometimes even that same day -- when, like a virus, it flares up and all I can do is remind myself not to swerve my car over the center line or walk a little too close to the edge.

These are the times that I should reach out, but the thing about depression is that it comes with the sense that you shouldn't have it to begin with, that it's a bunch of self-indulgent navel-gazing and not an actual illness like those that everyone can see looking in.

And so I swallow it down and isolate more, feeling that talking about it at all with people will only make me sound whiny. It's hard to explain that depression isn't like being sad and OCD isn't just "needing to clean," but rather that they are entirely crippling.

Unfortunately for me, it has crippled me both physically and mentally.

My concentration is barely existent, and more times than not I alternate between staring at my computer and feeling trapped behind a curtain too heavy to lift/inadequate in comparison to everyone else and doing unhealthy amounts of exercise in an attempt to distract myself and feel something, anything other than flat.

The effects devastate me not because of what they're doing to my body, but because they take away the only coping mechanism that I feel like I have when everything feels like too much and yet not enough. The immediate consequences don't matter because at that point, nothing really matters.

But that's what depression does.

It twists things around in your mind. Any activity takes many times more effort, like trying to run through quicksand. Work is boring and intolerable. What felt joyful feels dull and what felt sad feels unbearable. Everything seems meaningless, including previous accomplishments and anything you used to like.

Depression is truly the absence of hope.

So why write this post?
Because ignoring that fact is ignoring what I deal with each day. But more importantly, maybe it's because what you deal with, too, and hearing that others are in the same boat can be something you didn't even know you needed to hear.
After all, words have power. But this isn't a motivational speech with a happy ending or solution, as I have neither of those things. It's simply a reminder that you're not alone. You're not defective or broken or dealing with what you "deserve."

No, you're simply human.

You're doing the best that you can with the strength that you have. You're choosing to hold on to hope and to fight, and as much as I feel like I can't on some days, I choose to keep fighting as well.

It's basically all that I know how to do, but we don't have to do it alone.
And hopefully at the end of the day, we can find something that makes us smile. Sometimes that's all -- and everything -- that we might need."

For more, visit www.abbyhasissues.com.
Follow Abby Heugel on Twitter: www.twitter.com/AbbyHasIssues

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The 'Garden Girl Challenge'

I work in a Garden Center.
Yes. I 'know' plants.
(Why else would I be here, sweating,
 with pollen all over me, wet from the watering, 
and moving 20 pound flats?)
I always 'enjoy' the ladies....
who have just gotten done with a 'zen' yoga work out,
or a 'strenuous' tennis match,
who come to my shop, and 'challenge' me
on my knowledge of plants.
I know I am covered in dirt.
(And, why yes, I have to work for a living.)
But, baby. I DO 'know' plants.
Today a lady sauntered over to me and asked me:
'Do you know anything about plants?'
I wanted to say:
'I know more about plants
 than your plastic surgeon knew about your fake boobs, nails, 
and that really bad dye job, honey!'
But I didn't.
I smiled my 'smile'.
And said,
'How may I help you?'

Friday, April 18, 2014

The (Common Core) Easter Bunny!

Happy Easter, Kids!
I'm the Common Core Easter Bunny....
before you dig in to that awesome basket of
eggs you found
(that I spread around the yard for you)
You must answer me this:
If AnnaLisa found 4 green eggs, and 2 yellow ones...
Jaquin found all the pink eggs, and only 1 green one....
When will AnnaLisa realize she found no green eggs?
Use your Common Core rationalization skills we learned
 in class....
(That your parents have NO idea about!)
Get Creative!
Use a graph....or a fraction table!
But you are not allowed to use
any other colors....
Except Fuschia and Periwinkle.
(Shade in the appropriate areas....)
and write a descriptive paragraph about how
YOU came to that 'conclusion'.
You are in the 3rd grade, after all!

Monday, March 17, 2014


'Back in the day'....I was a 'dancer'...ballet....and Modern.
I thought I was 'fat' when I weighed 112 lbs...(I am 5'6" tall.)
You could see every muscle in my back....my legs...arms.
Because...I was emaciated.
It was the 'standard' for a 'company dancer'.

I just found this clip on 'youtube'...(posted at the end...)

What these kids are going through, is what we ALL went through.

Now, as an 'aging dancer'....or as I like to say 'dancer-exic'...I just want to give these kids a hug.
(I WAS that thin....I WAS surviving off caffeine, nicotine, and chocolate....)
But....'but'...Life moves on.
I am still having a hard time accepting my 'physical being'---and I have had 3 kids...and now teeter on the edge of menopause. 
(I have not danced professionally since 1994...!!!)

YOU are beautiful....YOU are powerful....and Talented!
And, one day....(like I, and so many of my dancer friends) YOU will discover...
YOU will realize...that you are HUMAN.
....and still BEAUTIFUL!

A 'dancer's body' is not healthy...it is not normal...allow yourself to BE....Beautiful!


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chicken Tortilla Soup

OK, gals....and fellas!
If you are searching for something new to make....here ya go.
(Approved by my son, who can never be 'filled up', my adorable Mate, and even my picky 18 year old...!!!)
Makes a good amount...and is *inexpensive*!
(I admit, I 'cheated'...used REAL 'half and half' and sour cream...served with tortilla chips!)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"No...I really....really....am... just fine! Nope. Not sick..."

I've always been a 'fabulous actress'....
(especially after becoming a 'mom'.)

"No...I really....really....am... just fine! Nope. Not sick..."

I feel like 'crud' today...run over by a wagon, and then crapped upon by the horses that said wagon is being pulled by...and then, baked in the sun.(However, as a rider myself, I do not find horse 'crap' all that bad--not to mention its known benefits for the garden....so, perhaps I shall choose a wagon...being pulled by pigs...Yes. Much more 'disgusting'.)

Indeed, rule #1: 'As a mother, from this day forward, thou shalt never---ever---be ill, or show weakness.'(There is too much 'sh%t' to do---with 3 kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 birds, the house, never ending laundry, cooking, 'cleaning',carpools, sports? ALWAYS something.)

...'Chop! CHOP! Get on with it woman!There is no time to dilly-dally!' say the many different voices in my brain...(that one has the British accent...'Ms Pattmore'... if you watch 'Downton')

Popped some motrin and a Benadryl just now...'mothers little helper' for sinus aggravation.(If you are old enough to remember? You just sang part of a Rolling Stones song....am I right? HA!)I am an 'older' mother....well 'older' in the fact that I had my 3rd child when I was almost 39-ish.(My first 2 were born before I was 32...so, I wasn't 'old' then...
I actually had e-n-e-r-g-y!)

Hello?(yeah. I can't drive right now.)

I will stay home...let the one 'driving kid', pick up the 'non-driving kids'.('My Chickens' are almost 19, 16....and...9 years old, respectively...I've been married and divorced---TWICE---'don't judge.')

So, it won't matter if I get too dizzy, and  'fall out' over the laundry, or making dinner----right?

(The stove is electric, so, I wont catch my hair on fire.)
I really should go lay down. 'Rest'.
(but as soon as I do...the dogs will need to go out, or, more than likely, the cats will start fighting.)

So, I fake it. Fake smile, fake walk, fake drive---                                                         (well, no. Not that...I didn't take the 'Ambien' Luna Moth stuff...makin' you sleep, eat  and drive---never remembering a thing...although, it wouldn't surprise me if I was 'sleep eating', because this premenapausal weigh gain thing is KILLING ME! Where is this coming from....I have a potato chips and beer body and skinny legs...oh, I do think I KNOW what happened. My ass, has gravitated to my belly...My torso is on backwards!)

Turn off the cell phone...YES! And REST!

I have 2 teenagers and a 9 year old...
(What if THIS is the day that asteroid finally hits the earth. What then? HUH? Or someone barfs at school?) 

Gotta keep it at LEAST on 'vibrate' mode. 


I'm not complaining. Moms don't do that. 
We trudge through...get things done...eat the burnt toast...and revel in the fact that, yes...these kids will rule the World one day!
(or at least pick out our Nursing Homes!)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Last Meals of Death Row Inmates....

(If you had one last meal....What would you choose?
I found this on BuzzFeed.com...The different meals are both expected....and... unusual.)

Photographer Henry Hargreaves re-created them for his series No Seconds.posted on 

1. Henry tells BuzzFeed: “When I first came across all the requests I found it to be such a fascinating insight into the minds of these soon-to-be executed individuals.”

Henry tells BuzzFeed: "When I first came across all the requests I found it to be such a fascinating insight into the minds of these soon-to-be executed individuals."
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com

2. “As I read the requests I began to imagine these prisoners as people and not just numbers. The story became much more real in my mind and I wanted to represent this visually.”

"As I read the requests I began to imagine these prisoners as people and not just numbers. The story became much more real in my mind and I wanted to represent this visually."
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com

3. “Our culinary choices often say something about us that we sometimes cannot articulate easily. One of the trends with last meals were the amount of fried or comfort food.”

"Our culinary choices often say something about us that we sometimes cannot articulate easily. One of the trends with last meals were the amount of fried or comfort food."
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com

4. “To try to find a little comfort from these last bites is an interesting glimpse into their mind.”

"To try to find a little comfort from these last bites is an interesting glimpse into their mind."
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com

5. “I’m not trying to push my political beliefs on the viewer. My main goal was to have the viewer identify with the prisoner though their meal request.”

"I'm not trying to push my political beliefs on the viewer. My main goal was to have the viewer identify with the prisoner though their meal request."

6. “I wanted the viewer to think of them as a person for a moment instead of them being anonymous.”

"I wanted the viewer to think of them as a person for a moment instead of them being anonymous."
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com

7. “Nor am I trying to make a judgement about the crime.”

"Nor am I trying to make a judgement about the crime."
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com

8. “The viewer can make up their own mind as to whether they agree with the punishment or not.”

"The viewer can make up their own mind as to whether they agree with the punishment or not."
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com

9. Victor Feguer, who was hanged in 1963 for kidnap and murder, asked for a single olive. He reportedly thought it might grow into an olive tree from inside his body and hoped it would make use of him as a symbol of peace.

Victor Feguer, who was hanged in 1963 for kidnap and murder, asked for a single olive. He reportedly thought it might grow into an olive tree from inside his body and hoped it would make use of him as a symbol of peace.
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com
Henry says: “I think the religious angle poses a big juxtaposition, most of the states that continue to practice the death penalty are in the American ‘bible belt’ and the bible preaches forgiveness, where as this penalty stands in total contrast to this belief.”

10. Texas has reversed the tradition of allowing Death Row inmates their final meal choice.

Texas has reversed the tradition of allowing Death Row inmates their final meal choice.
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com

11. Henry says: “As much as i think its a strange ritual I think it’s worse to have reversed this age old ritual. Im sure there was more money spent in creating the legislation than will be saved.”

Henry says: "As much as i think its a strange ritual I think it's worse to have reversed this age old ritual. Im sure there was more money spent in creating the legislation than will be saved."
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com

12. “I think it’s a subject that people can relate to and are curious about. We all eat and we will all die.”

"I think it's a subject that people can relate to and are curious about. We all eat and we will all die."
Henry Hargreaves / Via henryhargreaves.com